What Defines a Sign?

With Black Friday rapidly declining in popularity, and Cyber Monday rapidly rising in popularity due to the rise of online shopping, you can’t help but to step back and take a look at how things have changed and hypothesize how that’ll impact your own job and industry. Will signs always be the same? Will they eventually succumb to the internet just as everything else seems to be heading. Or will they simply last forever. 

What actually constitutes a sign? According to a quick internet search, the definition of “sign” is:  




  1. an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else. 

According to this definition, an internet pop up add could possibly be considered a sign. Could the internet, and possibly Web 3, be the future of the sign industry? Web 3 for those who don’t know is a decentralized blockchain protocol connection one to the internet. It’s very difficult to wrap your head around, and personally I’m still struggling with it and I’m still trying to research and come to terms with it. Maybe that is the way companies will go. Make unique brands and signs that can’t be copied, and are solely theirs and no one else’s.  

Perhaps our society transform into some Bladerunner movie thing where everything is a giant electric almost holographic interactive sign. Or maybe things will change very little, if they every change at all. Who knows what the future holds, it is unwritten after all. Personally, I feel as though the sign industry is headed more towards an interactive place like modern websites vs a web 3 NFT direction. People’s attention spans are at an all-time low, you only have mere seconds to grab it and get your message across. The days of holding other people’s attention for ransom are long gone, and they may never return. How do you make signs interactive? I’m not too sure about that, I’m still very new to the industry, but it is going to have to happen if you want your company to survive and thrive. The world is changing, and no industry is safe from that. The definition of what a sign is could be very different by the time it’s all said and done.        

-Sign Guy 265